Identity Management

GET /logout

Requires authentication with server or user access token.

Deprecated since version 2.193.3

Invalidates the provided oauth token and refresh token it is tied to.

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GET /api/2/logout

Example request

curl -G \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer [access token]"


This endpoint supports the JSON and JSON-P response formats.

Success: 200 OK

The response simply says "OK" when the user is logged out.

Failure cases

Some HTTP response codes are used for multiple error situations. There is no consistent way to tell these apart, but the error object will contain a textual explanation of the reason for the error. For explanation on OAuth related failures and errors see OAuth authentication failures.

  • 401 Unauthorized You don't have administration rights for this client.
  • 401 Unauthorized Your client doesn't have administration rights for this client.
  • 403 Forbidden Client is not authorized to access this API endpoint. Contact Schibsted account to request access.
  • 403 Forbidden Requesting IP is not whitelisted
  • 403 Forbidden Access token rejected
  • 404 Not Found Unknown client ID
  • 404 Not Found Client ID mismatch. The client making the request is no the owner of this resource, and does not have administrative privileges for it.
  • 420 Request Ratelimit exceeded

Sample response



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