Payment Services

POST /injectable/import

Requires authentication with server access token.

Import tokens.

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POST /api/2/injectable/import





Example request

curl \
   -X POST \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer [access token]" \
   -d "tokenName=injectable" \
   -d "content="


This endpoint supports the JSON and JSON-P response formats.

Success: 200 OK

Failure cases

Some HTTP response codes are used for multiple error situations. There is no consistent way to tell these apart, but the error object will contain a textual explanation of the reason for the error. For explanation on OAuth related failures and errors see OAuth authentication failures.

  • 401 Unauthorized You don't have administration rights for this client.
  • 401 Unauthorized Your client doesn't have administration rights for this client.
  • 403 Forbidden Client is not authorized to access this API endpoint. Contact Schibsted account to request access.
  • 403 Forbidden Requesting IP is not whitelisted
  • 403 Forbidden Access token rejected
  • 404 Not Found Unknown client ID
  • 404 Not Found Client ID mismatch. The client making the request is no the owner of this resource, and does not have administrative privileges for it.
  • 420 Request Ratelimit exceeded


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