PayEx error codes

Error/Return code Message shown to customer Description
REJECTED_BY_ACQUIRER Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. Your customers bank declined the transaction, your customer can contact their bank for more information
Error_Generic Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. A generic error
3DSecureDirectoryServerError Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process with 3D Secure. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. A problem with Visa or MasterCards directory server, that communicates transactions for 3D-Secure verification
AcquirerComunicationError Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. Communication error with the acquiring bank
AmountNotEqualOrderLinesTotal Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. The sum of your order lines is not equal to the price set in initialize
CardNotEligible Your card is not valid for this type of transaction with us. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again with another card. Your customers card is not eligible for this kind of purchase, your customer can contact their bank for more information
CreditCard_Error Some problem occurred with the credit card, you should contact your bank for more information Some problem occurred with the credit card, your customer can contact their bank for more information
PaymentRefusedByFinancialInstitution The payment process was stopped by the card issuer. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. Your customers bank declined the transaction, your customer can contact their bank for more information
Merchant_InvalidAccountNumber Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. The merchant account number sent in on request is invalid
Merchant_InvalidIpAddress Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. The IP address the request comes from is not registered in PayEx, you can set it up in PayEx Admin under Merchant profile
Access_MissingAccessProperties Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. The merchant does not have access to requested functionality
Access_DuplicateRequest Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. Your customers bank declined the transaction, your customer can contact their bank for more information
Admin_AccountTerminated Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. The merchant account is not active
Admin_AccountDisabled Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. The merchant account is not active
ValidationError_AccountLockedOut Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. The merchant account is locked out
ValidationError_Generic Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. Generic validation error
ValidationError_HashNotValid Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. The hash on request is not valid, this might be due to the encryption key being incorrect
ValidationError_InvalidParameter Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again. One of the input parameters has invalid data. See paramName and description for more information
ACCOUNTBLOCKED Your account is not available for this type of transaction. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again with a different card / account.
CARDNOTACCEPTEDFORTHISPURCHASE Your card was not approved for this type of transaction with us. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again with another card.
CHARGINGERROR Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
COMMUNICATIONERROR Sorry, a communication error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
DUPLICATEORDERID We have already registered a purchase from you with the same order number. Duplicate purchase avoided, and no money was deducted from your account.
FRAUDPATTERNDETECTED The card is blocked because of suspected abuse on this card. Please try again with another card.
INSUFFICIENTFOUNDS There are not sufficient funds on the card to complete this transaction. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again with another card.
INVALIDDATA Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
INVALIDPOSTNUMBER The postal code provided is incorrect. Please try again.
MISSINGMERCHANTCONFIGURATION Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
NOMONEYONACCOUNT There are not sufficient funds on the account to complete this transaction. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again with a different card/account.
NORECORDFOUND Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
OPERATIONCANCELLEDBYCUSTOMER The payment process was interrupted. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
OPERATIONNOTALLOWED Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
PARTIALCAPTURENOTALLOWED Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
PAYMENTTYPENOTSUPPORTEDBYAGREEMENT The payment method was not approved for the current card agreement. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
PAYPALBUYERRESTRICTED Your Paypal account stopped this transaction. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again with a different card/account.
SUBSCRIBERISBLOCKED Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
UDTBALANCEEXCEEDED Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
UNEXPECTEDCARDISSUERAUTHENTICATIONRESPONS Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
UNRECOGNIZEDCONSUMER Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
UNSUPPORTEDCURRENCY Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
USAGECHECKFAILED Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
VERIFICATIONFAILED Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
INVALIDPHONENUMBERCALLINGCODE Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. The calling code you provided is not supported for this payment.
MERCHANT_INVALIDACCOUNTNUMBER Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
MERCHANT_INVALIDIPADDRESS Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
ACCESS_MISSINGACCESSPROPERTIES Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
ACCESS_DUPLICATEREQUEST Sorry, an error occurred in communicating with the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
ACCESS_METHODDOWNFORMAINTENANCE Sorry, the payment provider is not currently available. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
ACCESS_MISSINGSOURCECONFIGURATION Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
ADMIN_ACCOUNTUNDERCONSTRUCTION Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
ADMIN_ACCOUNTTERMINATED Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
ADMIN_ACCOUNTDISABLED Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
VALIDATIONERROR_ACCOUNTLOCKEDOUT Sorry, an error occurred in the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
VALIDATIONERROR_GENERIC Sorry, an error occurred in communicating with the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
VALIDATIONERROR_HASHNOTVALID Sorry, an error occurred in communicating with the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
VALIDATIONERROR_INVALIDPARAMETER Sorry, an error occurred in communicating with the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
VALIDATIONERROR_INVALIDDATA Sorry, an error occurred in communicating with the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Could you please try again later?
AGREEMENTDELETED The current card agreement has been deleted. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
AGREEMENTNOTVERIFIED Current card agreement is invalid. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
AGREEMENTEXISTS An agreement already exists. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
CONSUMERBLOCKED Card / account is not valid for this type of transaction. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again with another card.
CONSUMERBLOCKEDSERVICE The payment process was stopped because of a lock on the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
INSUFFICIENTFOUNDS There are not sufficient funds on the card to complete this transaction. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again with another card.
OPERATIONORDERSTATUSMISMATCH Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
OPERATIONPAYMENTSTATUSMISMATCH Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
PAYMENTOBJECTALREADYEXIST Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
INVALIDAMOUNT Invalid amount
PAYMENTDECLINEDDOTOUNSPECIFIEDERR Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
PAYMENTDECLINEDDUETOUNSPECIFIEDERR Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
SYSTEM_EXCEPTIONRAISED Sorry, an error occurred in communicating with the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Could you please try again later?
RECURRINGEXPIRYERROR Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
RECURRINGFREQUENCYERROR Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
UNRECOGNIZEDCONSUMER Sorry, an error occurred in communicating with the payment provider. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.
ACQUIRER_HOST_OFFLINE Sorry, an error occurred in the payment process. No money was deducted from your account. Please try again.

Relevant type definitions

  • Error codes
  • Error
  • Credit card

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