Service-to-service auth

In addition to the user auth facilities provided by the platform, Schibsted account also provides a mechanism for when two services want to communicate directly with each other. In these situations, a service needs to authenticate and authorize the other services which access its protected resources. We refer to this as service-to-service (henceforth S2S) auth.

S2S auth in Schibsted account is made up of three basic steps:

  1. A client obtains a client token via a client_credentials grant.
  2. The client makes a request to the server hosting the protected resource, known as the "resource server", passing the newly acquired token as a bearer token.
  3. The resource server introspects the token it receives and validates the properties in the introspected token. If it is valid, the request is allowed to proceed. If it is not, the request is rejected.

Server-to-server communication flow

The following sections break down these high-level steps in more detail.

Obtaining a token

Before making a call to a resource server, the calling client first needs to obtain a token. For this, a client_credentials grant is made using the caller's client ID and secret. Additionally, the caller should specify the resource trying to be accessed via the resource parameter and any scopes required via the scope parameter:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic NGU4NDYzNTY5Y2FmN2NhMDE5MDAwMDA3OmZvb2Jhcg" \
-d 'resource=' -d 'scope=read:messages write:messages' \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials'

For further details on resource indicators, please refer to Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0, draft 2.

Note: currently the value passed as the resource needs to match the domain registered in Schibsted account's self service tool for the resource server.

The scopes passed will help the receiving service authorize the call, and can be thought of as a set of permissions or policies that the service will allow. Thus, the scopes present in the token help the called service determine if the request actions should be permitted. The exact scopes required is determined by the resource server and is outside the scope of this document.

Note: currently the scopes that a client may request may only be managed by the administrators of Schibsted account. In order to have scopes added to your client contact support.

Send the token in the request

Next, when making the request to the resource server, the caller simply needs to include the freshly acquired token in the Authorization header as a bearer token:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer _your_token_here'

Validate the token

The resource server receives the token in Authorization header and must validate it in order to decide whether or not to allow the call. The first step in doing so is to introspect the token in order to get accessed to the claims it carries. Introspecting the token will provide a result similar to the following:

  "scope": "read:messages",
  "client_id": "4e8463569caf7ca019000007",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "exp": 1487169930,
  "iat": 1487166577,
  "iss": "",
  "aud": [""]

Once the resource server has introspected the token, it's important to validate the claims as follows:

  1. Has the token expired? This is determined by checking the exp claim of the token. When performing remote introspection this is handled automatically as the introspection request will return false as the value of the active property.
  2. Is the token issued by the expected issuer? If the resource server is using as its identity provider, it should only trust tokens with that URL in the iss claim.
  3. Does the token have the expected audience (determined by inspecting the aud claim, which is an array)? This is used to check if the token was intended for this service or not.
  4. Does the token have the expected scopes. The scope property contains a space-separated list of the scopes carried by the token. For each resource/action provided by the service, the implementers should decide on a set of scopes that are required to perform that action and ensure that the token carries those scopes.

If all of the above checks pass, the resource server should let the call through. If the Authorization header is missing or incorrect, or if the token has expired, the service should return a status of 401 Unauthorized to indicate to the calling service that it's time to fetch a new token. If the issuer, audience or scopes are incorrect/insufficient, the service should return a 403 Forbidden to indicate that the token was understood, but the permissions are not sufficient to complete the call.

Often services support multiple clients/tenants, and the client_id parameter can be used to determine which one is calling the service. It is a recommended best practice for services to maintain their own IDs for their tenants (for use in DB tables, etc.) and simply map from the Schibsted account client_id to their own IDs. This adds a layer of insulation in case a tenant's client_id changes (e.g. if they delete their Schibsted account client and create a new one).

Table of Contents


In order to make use of this information, you need to know your:

  • client ID
  • client secret

See also

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